Certification: Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certification (RDSS)
One SME Drive Deerborn, MI 48121
Robust Design for Six Sigma (RDFSS): is a new set of engineering and statistical tools to be used during the product realization process to ensure that products meet customer needs and that the critical functional performance, or critical-to-quality characteristics, of these products exhibit minimum variability. The corrupting influence of variability in product quality characteristics is a primary source of customer dissatisfaction. This course is intended for engineers, scientists, and managers involved in all phases of product realization; design, development, manufacturing/process engineering, materials, quality, and reliability. It provides both an approach and a specific set of tools, including computer software, for successfully implementing RDFSS.
- More than two years of education or training after high school required?
- Yes
- More than two years of work experience required?
- Yes
- Oral or Written Exam Required?
- Yes
- Renewal Required?
- Every 3 Year(s)
- Renew through Continuing Educational Units(CEU)?
- Yes
- Renew through Re-Examination?
- Yes
- Renew through Continuing Professional Development(CPD)?
- No
- Does applicant have choice of at least two options from above for renewal (CEU, CPD, or exam)?
- Yes
The certification has an education level of an Associates of Arts or Associates of Sciences degree or higher and has a work experience requirement of more than 2 years, or requires obtaining a ‘core’ level certification from the same organization.
- This certification is third-party industry-endorsed.