Careers similar to military code 11B
Your search matched the Army MOS code:
- 11B Infantryman (Enlisted)
Learn more about this military classification from Careers in the Military
external site.
Showing top 29 civilian careers similar to this code. These careers may require additional training, education, or experience.
Tasks in these careers match some duties of the military job or a specialty:
Where in the military?Which military jobs are similar?Click the star next to a career to learn more!
Bright OutlookNew job opportunities likely in the future.Click the sun next to a career to learn more!
These civilian careers are also similar to this code:
Where in the military?Which military jobs are similar?Click the star next to a career to learn more!
Bright OutlookNew job opportunities likely in the future.Click the sun next to a career to learn more!
If you didn't find what you're looking for, you can browse all careers, or try a key word search with a short description of your job. Not all military classifications have related civilian careers.